By Elva Cobb Martin
Hi everyone! Today I have a special post as
part of the Writers Persevere event
that authors Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi are running for the next few
days to celebrate their
newest book, The Emotional Wound
Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Psychological Trauma. This book looks at the
difficult experiences embedded in our character’s backstory which will shape
their motivation and behavior afterward. I love their books!
You can find out more about this book and all the links to purchase it and others here:
To help them celebrate this release, many of us are posting stories about some
of the obstacles we’ve overcome as writers. As we all know, this isn’t an
easy path. Writing is hard and as writers we tend to struggle with doubt.
Sometimes too, we don’t always get the support we need to follow our passion,
or we have added challenges that make writing more difficult. Because people
are sharing their stories this week about how they worked through these
challenges to keep writing, I wanted to post about it too. Here's my story!
I wrote the first draft of my first novel, Summer of Deception, a
romantic suspense, thirty years ago. It was rejected 26 times before I
finally landed a contract. Lighthouse Publishers of the
Carolinas released Summer of Deception in May, 2017, and it's
spent time on Amazon's 100 Best Sellers List for Women's Religious
Fiction. Earlier, I've written a 9-part blog series on "My Long Journey
to a Book Contract - Five Vital Steps" Click here to start Part 1
However, here are the Five Vital Steps in brief. I know you will love me for giving them here! To get much more detail and craft information check out the series in my archives. Maybe what was holding my contract up is holding yours.
However, here are the Five Vital Steps in brief. I know you will love me for giving them here! To get much more detail and craft information check out the series in my archives. Maybe what was holding my contract up is holding yours.
Step 1) NEVER GIVE UP! Check out Philippians 1:6 and be confident God will complete a good work in you.
Step 2) Keep Honing Your Craft -with every rejection I learned something. I studied plotting, deep POV, and Goals, Motivation and Conflict, and most important, how to show/not tell. Study craft books and writer blogs.
Step 3) Attend Writing Conferences. Join a writing group and look for critique partners. Good critique partners are a blessing.
Step 4) Help Other Writers. Four years ago I helped found
the South Carolina Chapter of American Christian Fiction Writers and
have served as president. This great group has been instrumental in
helping my writing craft and perseverance keep moving forward. I enjoy
helping other writers on their way. Sowing good seed helping others,
brings needed help to you. That's a Bible principle. Here's a link to our S.C. ACFW Chapter's latest blog by Edie Melson, our VP:
Check out the top list of pages for more info. We meet the 4th
Saturdays at 2:00 PM in Anderson, SC. Oct. 28 our speaker is a law
officer who will share investigative procedures and weapons info for
Step 5) Learn How to Submit to Agents and Editors - How critical it is to READ and FOLLOW Guidelines posted on their sites!
Do you have a story to share, or some
advice for others? You can join Becca
and Angela at Writers Helping Writers from October 25-27th, where we
are celebrating writers and their stories of perseverance. Stop in, and
tell them about a challenge or struggle your faced, or if you like, write a
post on your own blog and share it using the hashtag #writerspersevere. Let’s
fill social media with your strength and let other writers know that
it’s okay to question and have doubts but we shouldn’t let that stop us.
There’s a prize vault filled with items
that can give your writing career a boost at
I would love for one of you to win
something that will help you get closer to your goal!
The giveaway is only from October 25-27th, so
enter asap. And don’t forget
to share this using the #writerspersevere
hashtag so more prizes will be awarded!
So glad you stopped by. Do leave a comment and share this post on your social media by clicking on the small icons
Elva Cobb Martin
Elva Cobb Martin is president of the South Carolina Chapter of American Christian
Fiction Writers (2014-2017). She is a former school teacher and a graduate of Anderson
University and Erskine College. She has two inspirational novels
contracted with Lighthouse Publishers of the Carolinas. Summer of
Deception, a contemporary romantic suspense, and an historical
romance, In a Pirate’s Debt. Both are spending time on
Amazon’s 100 Best Sellers List for Women’s Religious Fiction. Decision,
Charisma, and Home Life have carried Elva's articles. Jim Hart of
Hartline Literary represents her. She and her husband Dwayne are semi-retired
ministers. A mother and grandmother, Elva lives in Anderson, South Carolina.
Connect with her on her web site, her blog, on Twitter; Facebook; and
Link to my romance novels and non-fiction works on Amazon: