Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Eye of the Beholder

by Andrea Merrell @AndreMerrell

I’ve heard it said that heartbreak—just like beauty—is in the eye of the beholder. What breaks my heart and causes me pain may not be the same for you. We all have God-given strengths and weaknesses. We all handle situations differently. And each one of us sees things from a unique and individual perspective.

Some view this as a negative. I see it as a positive. In God’s economy, nothing is ever wasted. He can take any situation the enemy means for evil and destruction and turn it around, working it for our good and His glory. One way He accomplishes this is by having us share our stories—our tragedies and triumphs—our failures and successes. This takes a willingness to be open, honest, and transparent. When we take that risk, there is so much we can learn from each other.

We all need humor, encouragement, practical advice, and a large dose of hope. If I am in the middle of a crisis and someone shares with me how God brought them through the same devastating experience, my faith is restored and my hope renewed. It’s like being thrown a lifeline when you feel like you’re going down for the third time.

In Praying for the Prodigal, my desire is to throw that lifeline to others who are dealing with a rebellious teen or young adult who has chosen a life of sin and destruction. I want to share the lessons I learned through my journey with two prodigals and encourage parents to pray God’s Word over their children daily. God can work miracles in the lives of those who are fully, wholeheartedly committed to Him, believe His promises are true, and refuse to give up—even when things seem to be falling apart all around them.

What do you need to share with others? What hidden resources and experience do you possess that might be the very catalyst to restore someone’s faith. Whatever it is, I encourage you to dig deep, then be willing to share your journey. You might be the exact answer to someone’s prayer.

** Praying for the Prodigal  (March 25, 2015, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas) is available at Amazon.

Andrea Merrell is Associate Editor for Christian Devotions Ministries and Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is also a freelance editor and has been published in numerous anthologies and online venues. Andrea is the author of Murder of a Manuscript. The Gift, and Praying for the Prodigal. For more information visit or

1 comment:

  1. So true Andrea. It is so difficult to go through these hard times, however we must remember there is a reason. I always try to find someone to share my experiences with in hopes it may help.

